
名为 Ryan 的 ubuntu 用户发现自己购买的富士康主板在 Linux 下工作不正常。投诉受阻之后通过一系列技术手段发现造成问题的根源竟然不是“不支持”而是“故意不支持”。又经过几番和富士康客服的交锋之后,他愤怒了。他和富士康不得不说的故事,传遍了互联网(英文世界),直至公平交易委员会的数据库里。

本文是 2008 年 8 月 2 日,富士康员工在 ubuntu 英文论坛上发帖的翻译。很高兴事情能有这样的大团圆结局,同时也赞一下富士康的反应速度——距离 Ryan 发表檄文的 7 月 24 日,仅仅 9 天。


Updates of resolution od Foxconn bug --- from Foxconn FAE Heart Zhang
关于富士康 bug 解决方案的进展——来自富士康的 FAE Heart Zhang
(译注:不清楚这个 FAE 是指 Field Application Engineer“现场应用工程师”还是 Failure Analysis Engineer“错误分析工程师”,笔者更倾向于后者,但保留原文)

Hello every enthusiasts on Linux,
各位 Linux 发烧友你们好,

My name is Heart Zhang from Foxconn China, these days I and another Foxconn guy in UK names Carl Brunning contacted Ryan Farmer with each other at all times by email and phone on the big issue happened on our Foxconn MB G33M-S.
我是富士康中国的 Heart Zhang。这些天来我和另一位富士康香港的同事 Carl Brunning 一直在通过电子邮件和电话就我们富士康 G33M-s 主板发生的问题和 Ryan Farmer 密切沟通。

Yesterday evening I sent one debug version BIOS about this issue to Ryan, ask him to help us verify again. This morning Ryan replied me his testing result. Almost bugs are fixed by this BIOS.
昨晚我将一个 debug 版本的 BIOS 发给了 Ryan,希望他能够帮忙测试一下。今天早晨,Ryan 回复了他的测试结果。几乎所有的问题都在这一版本得到了解决。

Here is Ryan's testing result about the development BIOS
这是 Ryan 对我们开发版 BIOS 的测试结果
The development BIOS they sent fixes pretty much all the particularly bad behavior of the current release BIOS, in that:
他们发给我的开发版 BIOS 修正了所有现有发行版本 BIOS 中的问题:

Fans resume to proper speed after resume from suspend.

PC successfully reboots after having suspended.
挂起之后,PC 能够正常重启。

PC restarts a lot faster.
PC 重启速度大大加快。

PC no longer seems to randomly crash.
PC 不再随机崩溃。

PC hibernates and wakes up from hibernation properly.
PC 休眠和唤醒都正常了。

No longer complains about error reinitializing the Serial ATA controller.
重新初始化 SATA 控制器也没问题了。

For the sake of curiosity, I tried booting a Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) CD, it booted up whereas it crashed before.
出于好奇,我试了试用 Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) 光盘启动,原来崩溃的地方也可以顺利启动了。

Issues remaining:

Aug 1 05:51:15 ryan-desktop kernel: [18.280909] ACPI Warning (tbutils-0217): Incorrect checksum in table [OEMB] - 96, should be 8F [20070126]

With the release version of the BIOS it said "70, should be 69"
在发行版本的 BIOS 中,日志说的是“"70, should be 69”。

Matthew Garrett says Linux doesn't even need OEMB and this is some vendor-proprietary Windows stuff. (Should be OK to ignore)
Matthew Garrett 说 Linux 根本不需要 OEMB 表,这是某种 Windows 才用的制造商信息(忽略掉应该没问题)。

Intel HD Audio device does not reinitialize from suspend. (Kernel 2.6.26 fixes this, it appears to be a Linux bug in kernels earlier than this, this kernel will be in Fedora 10 and Ubuntu 8.10)
Intel HD Audio 声卡从挂起唤醒后没有重新初始化。(Kernel 2.6.26 修正了这点,这看起来更像是 Linux 老板本 Kernel 的 bug,新 Kernel 将会被包含在 Fedora 10 和 Ubuntu 8.10 中)

"ACPI: Error Attaching Device Data" still appears in kernel log, four times. (This too seems to be a Linux bug since 2.6.26 fixes that)
“ACPI: Error Attaching Device Data”仍旧出现在内核日志里,四次。(这似乎也是 Linux 的 bug,2.6.26 已修正)

Overall, I believe:

The very worst of it was a bad BIOS.
罪魁祸首就是那个烂 BIOS。

Many of the annoyances were kernel bugs that are fixed in 2.6.26.
许多烦恼其实是内核的 bug,也已经在 2.6.26 得到修正。

All but the checksum error is fixed if you use the new BIOS and kernel 2.6.26, and the checksum error is not a serious issue anyway.
如果用新 BIOS 和 2.6.26 内核,除了校验和错误之外的所有问题都得到了修正,而且那个校验和错误本身也不是什么大不了的事情。

So it likes that the BIOS works much better with Linux.
And Ryan told me in the email, he tested the BIOS even on Windows Vista/Server 2008, there also seems like no issue.
这样看来新 BIOS 在 Linux 下表现要好得多。
而且 Ryan 在 email 中告诉我,他甚至在 Windows Vista/Server 2008 上也试了下新 BIOS,没什么问题。

I also gave this BIOS a very crude set of tests with an evaluation edition of Windows Vista/Server 2008 and it even appears to work better with a few things there.
我拿体验版的 Windows Vista/Server 2008 对这 BIOS 作了下粗略的测试,其表现在某些方面似乎还更好些。

If someone is intereted in this debug BIOS, you also can download from our Foxconn FAE FTP.
如果对这个开发版 BIOS 感兴趣,你也可以从我们富士康 FAE 的 FTP 上下载。

Login: enduser
Pass: 123456

BIOS name: 772F1D43
You can unzip the file, just run flash.bat on DOS mode to flash BIOS.
Attention: after finishing the BIOS flashing, please goto BIOS setup to load optimized default before first time entering Linux.
你可以解压,并在 DOS 模式下运行 flash.bat 来更新 BIOS。
注意:在更新 BIOS 之后,请进入 BIOS 设置界面 load optimized default,再进入 Linux。

I hope you guys can get the good result that you really want.
But that is only a debug version BIOS which focus on this issue, later we will release Production BIOS for it ASAP.
Not only on this motherboard, but also on all the other motherboards which got the same issue.
Please make attention to our website for BIOS update,
但是,这只是针对此次问题的开发版 BIOS。我们将会尽快释放一个产品版本的 BIOS 出来。
请随时关注我们网站上的 BIOS 更新。

And here I want to say Thank you to all the linux enthusiasts. From this case, Ryan and all of you gave us a lesson. And also as our plan, we will take more time on Linux OS testing.
And I am sure Linux is becoming more popular and great OS.
For me, Carl Brunning and all the Foxconn FAE, technical support guys, we would like to receive any issues regarding to our products (motherboard and VGA card)whatever it is from Windows, Linux or any other operating system.
You can report to this link if you have any issue or comments,
在此我想感谢所有 Linux 发烧友们。这次事件,Ryan 和你们所有人给我们上了一课。我们计划今后会投入更多时间到针对 Linux 的测试上。
我相信 Linux 会成长为更受欢迎的伟大的操作系统。
对于我、Carl Brunning 和所有富士康 FAE以及技术支持人员,我们真诚希望能够听到任何关于我们产品的问题(主板和显卡),无论这些问题是来自 Windows、Linux 还是其他操作系统。

If possible, you can inform this message to any people as many as you can. Maybe they met the same issue before on our Foxconn motherboard.

Thanks all of your guys' attention! Thank you very much!

--- Heart Zhang from Foxconn China
--- Heart Zhang 富士康中国

(译注:这篇帖子在 ubuntu 英文论坛上得到了 117 位用户的感谢)




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